On 6 December 2012 I made my way to Islington Assembly Hall to see THE FALL live. When I arrived at the hall, there were a couple of strange characters standing around in the entrance area, who tipped me off to pay special attention to the second support act.
And then the second support band started to play. At that moment, my life changed.
They played a song (FEED THE FLAME) that was almost identical to a song I had in the works for my band at the time. So a band I didn’t know was playing my song!!!
Back in Hamburg, I started to find out as much as I could about EVIL BLIZZARD. After some time I drew my first EB picture.

I sent it to the email address I knew. A certain Mr. Stokowski contacted me and asked if the band could use my picture as part of their artwork for their first longplayer THE DANGERS OF EVIL BLIZZARD. And so it happened and the misery took its course.
The first Blizzard I personally met was Mister BLIZZPIG. Thank you so much for being my friend for such a long time now, Sean.

After that I worked out some portrait pictures based on the fantastic photos of the great JOHN MIDDLEHAM.

Side once asked me to do a special drawing for a special song called THREE DEAD DOLLS. This is what I did of it.

I had the opportunity to see EVIL BLIZZARD live several times and a great friendship developed between the band members and me. I got to know many of the fantastic fans, of whom I also drew some portraits …and the Legend that is MOPMAN…

I created another band picture, which then found its place in the booklet of the second longplayer EVERYBODY COME TO CHURCH.

Three times I had the pleasure to be on stage with the band. That’s how my alter ego GRUMP came into the world. At that time I was also called ‚the seventh Evil Blizzard‘.

During the time, shortly before the release of the third album (THE WORST SHOW ON EARTH), I created my masterpiece ‚EB ROAD‘. A special edition of 100 CDs of the album were sold with a limited postcard of my picture.

And again some EB portraits… …and finally FLESHCRAWL…

And again, the fans…

Finally, some more EVIL BLIZZARD related pictures were created over the years…

Due to my progressing PPMS disease, it is now almost impossible for me to travel. But I don’t give up the hope to see EVIL BLIZZARD live again and to see all the fantastic people who accompany this band. Thank you all so much for the unforgettable last ten years. I LOVE YOU.

If you are interested in a signed print of one of these pictures, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Everything is possible.